EFFECTIVE DATE: June 11, 2024

Fragomen Privacy Notice

Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP, Fragomen Global LLP, and our related affiliates and subsidiaries1 (collectively, "Fragomen" or "we") want to ensure that our clients, their employees and any affected data subjects ("you") are informed about the security and use of the personal information that we receive and process on your behalf. We are committed to continual improvement of our privacy program, standards and compliance, both locally and globally.

Accordingly, this Privacy Notice ("Privacy Notice") is intended to inform you about Fragomen's privacy practices. It describes the types of personal information we collect, how we may use that information, with whom it may be shared, and the measures taken to ensure its security.

In addition, we provide information on how to contact us to: (1) exercise your right to object to the processing of certain aspects of your personal information in accordance with applicable laws; (2) access, correct, or delete your personal information; (3) ask any questions you may have about our privacy practices.

In some instances we are engaged directly by corporations or business groups, which results in the processing of employee information at their request. Where we refer to "employer" below, it is in these circumstances where corporations or other business groups have engaged us to act. You may at any time, if you prefer, address any concerns directly to your employer, where applicable.

Personal Information We Collect and How We Use It

Personal Information We Collect About You

Fragomen collects certain personal information about you and, if required, your family members and employer for the purposes of providing immigration consulting and/or legal services. We will not be able to provide the services requested if we are not provided with all required relevant personal information. Below are set forth the purposes for which personal information is used and examples of the types of information that may be required. If, through the course of our representation, you and/or your employer request additional services, [such as visa extensions, permanent residency applications and changes in employment], we may be required to collect additional types of personal information to provide the requested services.

The data controllers (or any equivalent term) of your personal information are Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP, Fragomen Global LLP and the Fragomen office providing the services to you, as well as your employer (current or potential), where applicable.

Client Services

For purposes of providing client services, including the applicable legal services, and/or immigration consulting services you and/or your employer request, Fragomen collects and processes personal information such as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, marital status, passport number, employment history, educational background, tax status, employee number, job title and function, and expatriate status. Where required for the service, Fragomen collects certain personal documents such as passport copies, educational documents, CVs, visa copies, birth certificates, and other documents.

We obtain the personal information from a number of sources, such as through our online portals, our mobile website or applications, online questionnaires and forms you complete, and other information you provide directly to us, including by email or in conversation with our lawyers, consultants and staff. In addition, we obtain personal information from third-party sources, such as former employers, educational institutions you attended, relocation companies, and your current or prospective employer. We use this information to provide immigration consulting and legal services, including analyzing, completing and processing immigration, visa and related filings and submissions to relevant government agencies, providing legal and consultative advice as to eligibility to obtain immigration benefits, and assisting with relocation and other expatriate issues.

In many instances such as visa extensions, permanent residency, and other cases related to changes in employment, the services we provide require follow-up services. If such follow-up is required, the information we have collected previously is used to provide the additional related services for which we have been engaged.

We also use your personal information in other instances in connection with the services we provide. This use occurs only when there is a legitimate interest to do so that is not overridden by your data protection rights as required by law, such as assisting in the management and administration of our clients’ global mobility programs (such as visa expiration tracking, immigration program compliance, etc.), providing access to online case-management tools, where applicable, and analyzing immigration trends, such as visa processing times and government approval rates. Where we are engaged by your employer, we process your personal information because it is in our legitimate interests to do so in order to fulfil our contract with your employer for client services.

In addition to providing you or your employer with our services, we process personal information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations including record-keeping requirements. For example, we process personal information under “know your customer”, anti-money laundering regulations, anti-bribery regulations and professional regulations.

Pre-employment Verification

Certain countries require verification of new employees' employment eligibility at the time of hire. Examples of such requirements include the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 ("IRCA") in the United States and the Immigration, Asylum & Nationality Act of 2006 in the United Kingdom, pursuant to which Fragomen collects and processes personal information such as your name, email address, home address, military service, and citizenship status.

Information Requests

If you request information about our services directly, we may ask you to provide contact information so that we may respond to your request.


Fragomen's Business Visa Matrix (BVM) is a web-based tool that assesses whether a business traveler may lawfully conduct planned activities abroad on business visitor status or whether work authorization is required. If you choose to use this service, we will provide an automated assessment, using the information provided by the user and based on local immigration law requirements, to assist in the determination of what immigration requirements may be necessary for travel to or within a particular country.


Nomadic is a cloud-based platform for short-term immigration services. Nomadic’s pre-trip assessment tool assesses biographic and trip information provided by the user against local immigration law requirements maintained by Fragomen, to determine the immigration requirements for travel to a particular country. The Nomadic platform, located in the European Union, also assists with obtaining visas, passports, Posted Worker Notification and other consular immigration filings.


WorkRight is an employment verification compliance tool that helps prevent identity theft and fraud which can occur during an employer’s onboarding process. Using document authentication software and facial recognition software to link the candidate to the document, employers will receive confirmation of the legitimacy of the document and the identity being presented. WorkRight, the tool used to provide these right to work services, is hosted in the respective region where the services are being provided.

Other Uses of Information

Where it is in our legitimate interests and not outweighed by your data protection rights, we use personal information we collect and process for client and Fragomen administration, compliance audits, compliance with Fragomen policies and procedures, ensuring the security and integrity of our services and in ensuring that our IT systems function effectively.

We will never sell your personal information, in accordance with relevant data privacy law and professional responsibility requirements. Your personal information is only shared with third parties where needed to provide the services requested. Please see below for more details in Information We Share.

Sensitive Personal Information

Immigration services

Governments worldwide require the collection and processing of a wide variety of personal information from foreign nationals seeking to enter the country and obtain immigration benefits such as employment authorization or residency status. Governments require this information for reasons such as the protection of borders, health, sovereignty, national security, and the regulation of the local employment market. Certain categories of personal information may be considered “sensitive” and are subject to a higher level of data protection. According to different definitions under applicable data protection laws, these categories may include race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sex life or sexual orientation, physical or mental health or condition, data relating to offenses and/or criminal convictions, any personal information belonging to children under the age of majority, and biometric data, such as fingerprints, when used to uniquely identify you.

In the context of the services we provide, Fragomen collects sensitive personal information when the submission of such data is necessary to comply with the legal obligations of the country in which you are seeking a visa or work permit. In addition, Fragomen may need to inquire about certain sensitive information in order to provide legal or consultative advice as to your eligibility to travel to or obtain an immigration benefit from a specific country. For instance, we may need to ask whether you have been previously convicted of any criminal offenses, have certain political affiliations, or other personal matters when the local applicable immigration laws would require such data for purposes of preparing an application or petition on your behalf or evaluating whether certain personal information would bar you from entering the country. In some instances, the laws of EU member states require that we process sensitive personal information for these purposes as permitted by the terms of the GDPR; on other occasions we will ask for your explicit consent to process this data.

As part of the immigration application process some government immigration authorities require sensitive personal information from you directly, which you may not want to have shared with your employer. Fragomen has processes and procedures in place to protect your sensitive personal information where you do not want it shared with your employer.

Legal services

In the course of our client services, we may represent you and/or your employer in legal matters that require us to collect and use sensitive personal information relating to you. For example, if we represent you in a criminal case, we will collect information about the alleged offenses and any related criminal history. In some employment representations, such as disputes involving alleged discrimination, information about medical conditions, race, religion and/or sexual orientation may be relevant to the representation. Similarly, representations in tax or social security matters may also require us to collect sensitive personal information, such as if we are advising on whether certain disabilities qualify for social security or tax benefits. Where we process sensitive personal information in the course of these and other similar client services, we do so to assist you and/or your employer to establish, exercise or defend legal claims or to assist you and/or your employer in fulfilling the rights and obligations of applicable employment or social security laws.

Legal Basis

Fragomen relies on one or more of the following legal bases when processing your personal information and sensitive personal information:

Information We Collect by Automated Means

We use cookies and related technologies on our websites and other web-based interfaces, such as Fragomen Connect, employer-specific Immigration Home Page Applications, our mobile website and applications, and the BUSINESS VISA MATRIX™. We use these technologies to understand how many users visited our sites and the pages they accessed so that we can best tailor our web services to our visitors.

Where AI is being used as part of the services we provide to you, there will be access to a human review to ensure your data subject rights are respected. If an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model third party provider is used, they shall act as Fragomen's data processors, with the relevant contractual provisions in place to ensure the security of your personal information and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Fragomen conducts data protection impact assessments in accordance with data privacy laws and Artificial Intelligence legislation.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer’s hard drive when you visit certain websites that help collect data. We use necessary cookies to enable functionality of our site. We won’t set optional cookies unless you enable them. Submitting your preference by using our Cookies consent tool will set a cookie on your device to remember your preferences. Should you wish to change your cookie preferences, you may do so by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and click on the bottom left corner the ‘Cookies Settings’ button. You’ll be offered the list of cookies that you can activate or disable, as you wish. Please note, however, that without cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of all our website features.

Information We Share

We will not sell, share, transfer, rent, use, or distribute your information for purposes other than those disclosed here unless required by law or as authorized by you or your employer. We share the information you provide among our subsidiaries, affiliates and your current or prospective employer or a third party as your employer instructs us, as appropriate or necessary in connection with the services (such as your employer’s relocation provider, or to protect the interests of any person, where permitted by applicable law. Where our services are retained by your employer on your behalf, we share your personal information as instructed by your employer, for tax purposes, to assist you in obtaining relocation services, and for any other purpose required to provide the services as permitted by applicable law.

In addition, as part of the immigration consulting and legal services we have been directed to provide, Fragomen discloses personal information to government agencies, your former, current, or prospective employer and its related entities. In order to obtain immigration benefits on your or your employer’s behalf, we will disclose personal information to government agencies and immigration authorities.

We also share the information with certain service providers we have retained in connection with the services we provide, such as translators, education evaluation services, couriers, or other necessary entities. We take steps to require that service providers protect the information consistently with this Privacy Notice. These service providers are authorized to use the information only as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with law or legal process. Where we have knowledge that a service provider processes your personal information in a manner contrary to this Privacy Notice, we will take reasonable steps to prevent or stop the processing. In addition, we will disclose information about you: (1) if we are required to do so by law or legal process, (2) to law enforcement authorities or other government officials, (3) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity; or (4) if necessary to protect the vital interests of any person.

How We Protect Personal Information

We seek to ensure that any personal information that we hold about you is accurate, complete, current and otherwise reliable based on data you or an employer provide in order to provide the immigration consulting and legal services. We seek to collect only that personal information that is adequate, relevant and not excessive for these purposes.

We maintain appropriate administrative, technical, organizational, and physical safeguards to protect against loss, misuse or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of personal information.

We educate our employees and strive to maintain appropriate standards of conduct with regard to the protection of personal information.

We take steps to require that third parties who assist in our provision of services abide by all applicable privacy and data protection laws and prohibit them from using your information other than in connection with the services they have been engaged to provide.

We retain personal information for only as long as we need it to provide the services you or your employer has requested, for our own administration and internal purposes, and for any periods that are mandated by law or otherwise agreed to with our clients, after which, we take steps to delete or anonymize the information.

Information We Transfer

Transfers required for the services

When we transfer your information to other countries, we will use, share and safeguard that information as described in this Privacy Notice. We transfer personal information to third countries where it is necessary to provide you the service you (or your employer) requested. For example, the Government requires certain personal information in order to review applications, screen foreign nationals, issue visas and other work authorization documents, etc. We also provide your personal information to local advisors, translators and other service providers where it is necessary to provide the service you requested.

Transfers to other Fragomen offices

We share some of your personal information with other Fragomen offices to administer and manage group functions and provide international advisory services. For these purposes, your personal information will be processed in, or accessed from, Fragomen offices situated in jurisdictions that do not have equivalent data protection laws to those in your country of residence.

In addition, some of our global systems for providing services are hosted by our offices in the United States. We safeguard your data within the Fragomen group of companies through the use of European Commission-approved standard contractual data protection clauses, or other applicable data transfer agreement.

Transfers to other service providers

Your personal information may be shared with third parties in support of the requested services under contract for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. Some of these third parties may be located outside the EEA. If you reside in the EEA, we may use standard contractual data protection clauses, which have been approved by the European Commission to ensure the appropriate safeguards are in place if a transfer of our personal data takes place outsides of the EEA. For further information, including to obtain a copy of the documents used to protect your information, please contact us as described in the How to Contact Us section below.

Your Choices and Rights

As set out above, Fragomen may collect certain information about you in conjunction with providing immigration consulting and legal services. We will respect your decision if subsequently your employer informs us or, where you instruct us directly, you inform us that you wish to opt-out of personal information. If sensitive personal information is involved for the delivery of a new purpose we will only use your information if you actively communicate your consent to this processing to your employer or us, as applicable, when it is necessary to deliver requested service, or in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws. We will follow the identical procedure if we disclose personal information to third parties that are expected to process the personal information for their own independent purposes.

We also will assist our clients to provide you, or provide you directly, where appropriate, with access to your personal information and, as applicable, with the ability to review and correct inaccuracies, delete unnecessary personal information, and receive a copy of your personal information in a structured machine-readable format. We may, where applicable, use reasonable efforts to assist your employer in responding to a request to access, correct, delete or restrict processing of your personal information or, where required by law, to respond directly to such a request within a reasonable period of time. In the event that either you or your employer informs us in writing that you wish to opt-out of future processing of personal information we will respect your request.

To help protect your privacy and the security of your information, Fragomen takes reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access to information. Where we rely solely on your consent, you may withdraw it at any time. You may also object to processing that is based on our legitimate interests alone. In such instances, our business interests must be found to be compelling and to not jeopardize your individual rights before further processing may continue. To exercise these rights , please contact your employer or Fragomen, as applicable. If you have unresolved concerns, where provided by local law, you may have the right to complain to a data protection authority where you reside, where you work or where you believe there has been an infringement of data protection laws.

Please note in order to exercise your right, Fragomen will request a copy of a government issued identification document in order to verify your identity. This is done in accordance with our obligations under data protection laws and to protect the personal information that we hold. We will only use this information for identity verification purposes, and we will delete it after your request has been responded to.

How Long Do We Retain Your Information

Fragomen has a seven-year post case closure retention policy, unless there is a regulatory or legal reason not to do so, or where a different time period needs to be observed due to local requirements.

Updates to our Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our information practices. We will post a notice on our applicable websites or materials to advise of any significant changes to our Privacy Notice and indicate in the notice when it was most recently updated. In certain countries, additional or different procedures not inconsistent with this Privacy Notice may apply as necessary to satisfy local legal requirements.

How to Contact Us

The controllers of your personal information are Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP, Fragomen Global LLP and the Fragomen office providing the services to you, as well as your employer (current or potential), where applicable. Our representative in the European Union is Fragomen Ireland Limited, Riverside 4, Ground Floor, Central Quay, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice directed at any of the data controllers listed above, please contact our data protection officer by email at dataprivacy@fragomen.com.

You also may write to us at:

Attn: Office of General Counsel
Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP
90 Matawan Road
P.O. Box 2001
Matawan, New Jersey 07747

1A complete list of Fragomen entities and affiliates with contact details can be found here: Fragomen Office-US.